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Satisfy your cosmic curiosity 🤓
Want to dive deeper into your horoscope reading?
Understanding what’s happening and why helps dealing with difficult times
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Personalized daily summary 🧑
Everyday, we scan the universe to generate a summary of all the planetary influences affecting your birth chart
Tap on "more ..." at the bottom of your daily Summary card, under the colorful bars
Read it in your language 🇫🇷
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Decipher the meaning of the planets 🪐
Not sure what the planets, the emoji or the short horoscope mean?
Simply tap on "more ..." at the bottom of any horoscope card
Get a comprehensive explanation of the meaning of the planet combination, its positive and challenging manifestations, and how to channel its energy constructively
Listen to your horoscope 🗣️
Tap the Speaker icon 🔈 on the top of the in-depth horoscope to play the audio or mute it
Watch your horoscope 📺
Tap the Play icon ▶️ on the top of the in-depth horoscope to play the video
Enjoy your video horoscope 🍿
The Video horoscope is currently an experimental feature and is limited to one-minute long
Enjoy and let us know what you think 😊